

The ride...
The ride arrived, It's time go
The driver asked 'Are you ready to go?'
I looked up and said 'I don't know'

Something missing, something you need he queried.
Sort of, I replied.

He smiled wide, with a glow in his eyes and said- You know why I'm here right?

I tried but couldn't respond with a smile
I had dreams, I had a mind, a heart with a warm vibe. But...

He stopped me, put his cold hand on mine
'whats the use bro, u could not. U tried, but its destiny it is no more your time'

Angered, I exploded, why, why me? I asked, I wanted to know I demanded to know.

He said - 'you were always his preferred child. He gave you a chance, in this gutless world, to understand remorse. You lost your way, now your time is up, you got to come with me. The ride has arrived its time to go'
© omkar's