

The first drop of happiness!
The earth after getting warm,
Needs your first drop to cool it down.
Everyone just prays and waits for your arrival,
You bring a lot of happiness in the whole town!

Then the clouds get saturated,
Become dense and heavy down,
There comes your first drop of joy,
Tearing all the sunbeams to the ground.

The first drop when mingles with dry soil,
The fragrance of the first rain spreads every corner,
And leads everyone to close their eyes and feel you,
See the dark sky covering the blanket blue.

The couples love to be under an umbrella,
The romantic weather you bring!
The family sits together and enjoys warm snacks with tea,
Thanks to you and your shower of blessing!

Every single hand comes out of window,
To feel the love of your purity,
The children dance in joy bathing with your innocence,
Generations after generations, you have brought happiness,
No doubt you have attained eternity.
© Yukta Rane