

All My Hearts' Lie in Graves
Of that cemetery's hush, quiet and shush
Where shadows dance and whispers rush,
I wander among them silent still headstones,
Where all my friends lie in graves repose.

Beside the earth, where lilies lie and weep,
In dreamless slumber, they softly solemly sleep.
Their laughter sometimes echo in mild gentle breeze,
Among the tombstones, our memories often tease.

Each marker a story, a life that once we've lived,
With dreams and hopes, we've blindly hoped.
But now you all rest in solemn stillful grace,
In that sanctuary of that holy heavenly place.

Gone are the days of laughter, love and cheer,
Only the echo of your voices I'll silently hear.
Yet in that stillness, your spirits soar highly,
Among the stars, remembering you forever solemly.

Though my beloved souls lie in moist graves,
Our memories lie deep in me as my heart engraves.
For in that hallowed ground, you'll all quietly reside,
I'll forever keep you inside until one day I join you finite.

© TheRetro_Reader