

Some times we pass through certain things that life throws at us,with several individuals hurting a deep part of us. It hurts so much that we feel we should do ourselves the good of completely cutting off from such persons to avoid further occurrences,and of cos' we are not out of place. But it will get to a point in a man's life where one will be numb to these things and even the urge to retaliate will almost not be present,not because we're foolish but because our minds have been worked upon and there is a point of genuine redemption. We grow in all spheres of our life and our minds inclusive because a lot is being determined there....Difficult situations that are humanly not possible to let go,but looking inward at the gain over the losses,our heart melts like wax and waters down in which ever way we want, be it tears,alone moments or whatever will be of help.....Release whatever and whoever and experience growth and peace....#Selah.