

The Still Small Voice
And I so badly wanted to do it.
Partly because I thought it'd be as fun as they always potrayed it
but largely because I wanted to fit in and be seen
And maybe, just maybe, to win an embrace.
Or better even, a seat. A cossy permanent seat,
at their table of approval.

"Don't do it, Son."
A still small voice, so loud, so clear and so distinct, whispered!
I could sense the Love behind it, beckoning with open arms
But I couldn't get myself to turn,
my neck was stiff, and I couldn't let my focus away from Them.

"Why not, is it a sin?"
I questioned, with a cocktail of pride and arrogance sprinkled with confidence, and it sounded "Wise".

"You're Wrong again Son,
Your question should be:
Does it help me run?
Does it distract me,when I am trying to become more like Christ?
Does it get in my way, when I'm trying to be more kind and less selfish, More patient and less Judgy?
Is it a stumbling block when I'm striving to be more humble and Less Proud?
Does it entangle me when I'm trying to be more pure, more Holy and more self controled.?"

"Look to Jesus Son, and lay aside any WEIGHT of sin that so easily entangles, and then run with endurance the race marked out for You."

So, Does it help YOU Run?

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