

Escapade with Zeus
Bold strokes of a confident hand,
The painting is a masterpiece,
Executed as planned...
A photographic
After image
Burns red on her skin
B & D belies
Where S & M begins.
She whimpers a lie
So that I may begin.
One word will release
All others, ignored
She can exclaim all she wants
But, she knows she’s adored
My disciple of pain
Holds my love in her plot
There’s S and there’s M
Certainly M, I am not
So, she fights her restraints
And the pleasures with in
As my hand strikes a blow
Upon beauteous skin.
I finally hear
That she’s had enough
I disengage her restraints
And, I end the act, rough
Now her skin
As my canvas
Shows an act
Almost gone
And my Leta she sees
That I am her swan.
© Daxyl