

Happy Father's Day
The head of everything, yet your agility,
has been undermined by society.
The embodiment of God in flesh
Is who you are!
The very one who pays the price to raise a family,
You sacrifice your time, money and energy,
To ensure a perfect synergy,
At home, work and church.
Yet even in this triangle,
You mostly find it difficult to make ends meet for life to square,
So you keep going on in circles,
And most children thinks you're not caring.
Yet your sweat roofs our head,
And provides our daily bread.
We dislike and hate you for your stern correction,
Just to grow and realize it instills in us perfection.
Happy father's day to all good fathers
As you make the happiness of your homes your priority
may God also bless you and may generations never forsake your authority.
© DaCosta de Poet