

A Walk With Me
I like flowers now.
They calm,pretty
I never appreciated it much
But now,
Seeing a picture of a small wild sunflower
On the backdrop of the sky..

I like sky now.
Creating beautiful silhouettes with the clouds
It makes me wonder
How they mirror the waves..the sea

I like sea now.
I fell in love..
Water draws me to it
The serenity it possesses
Makes me dream long
The waves give me possibilities
The sun melting away
Far into the eternity
Giving us something
Someone -moon..

I like the moon now.
A moon child, i am
Vulnerable and empathetic
People call me a listener
Yes, i lend them my ears
Ears to my soul..
I see moon in you
I see sea in you
I see Sky in you
I see flower in you..❤️

© prana