

In the darkest room
Walking with light under the darkest room
Feels like the ghost touching my skin and whispering to my ears.
The wind swayed my hair and whole body is trembling alone as holding the flashlight.

Walking in the darkest room with half fears
My mind doesn't cooperate and heart beating faster like in a marathon.
The system it confused me to run and procceed towards the corners full of dust.

Walking towards as reaching the destination
Air blowing like a trumphet under my skin that cause me shaking.
The place seems more frightened me as my lips can't utter any words.

Walking as staring to every corners there
Sense that have more ghosts here than the room I left before.
Talking to me and try to say those words like they asking for help.

Walking as continues listening to the invicible
Figure out their feelings and thoughts that vibrating to my ears
They're sad and desperate of their unjustice living in this selfish world.

Walking then sitting with table beside me
They uttered words again about the undying past they endured.
Someone is weeping and other is shouting at me to do their favor.

Walking after remaining a several seconds
They followed me telling about what should I do to get their justice while still living.
Try to fight for them and make their soul at peace like this room but with a light.

Walking as struggling to leave there with fears
I need to give them the things they wished it granted and never them dissapointed.
A matter of truth to their justice that should exposed and addressed.© ScarletHeart995