

A love like No Other
A Love Like No Other

In this world of temporary things
I found something rare and true
A love that makes my heart sing
A love that only comes from you

You are the light in my darkest days
The warmth in my coldest nights
You are the one that my heart craves
My love for you burns so bright

With every beat, my heart calls your name
With every breath, I long for your touch
With every thought, I just can't contain
The depth of my love for you is so much

You are my forever, my everything
The one I never want to lose
I'll treasure every moment we bring
For my love for you will always refuse

To fade away or diminish in strength
It will only grow and thrive with time
I am yours, and you are mine at length
Together, our love is truly sublime

So let's hold onto each other tight
And never let go of this love so rare
For with you, my future is so bright
A love like no other, one that we'll always share