

The blue sky of New York
The sky of New York, my blue white dream, my vibrant parade of white shapes. In every shape of the clouds I would find a quill to write a story that lies behind, awaits to be told in my mind.

Amazing day, I've never seen anything like this. Who is the artist behind this art? Who is the hidden painter inside these bright clouds??
You must have to stop, look up, just take a shot of New York roof, make the sun witness its magic color blue. Tell your eyes to stop to mentally click with their look and save in your mind forever its unique blue.

Perfect background to fly away with words, to imagine songs, to be alone and keep feeling the magic rhythm of New York.

Ohh...Just New York, I've fallen in love 😍everyday, even more. This city is my dream, the air I breathe, my next heartbeat, my inner soul.🗽

