

Your sharp claws and soft bites are the best relief.🌻
I was fifteen,
When I saw you first,
I was across a wall,
'Cause I was afraid of you,
But still you put a,
Deep mark in my heart,
It was really the first time,
I tasted 'love at first sight'.

I spend the rest day,
Dreaming to own you,
I know it'll be hard,
But I can't let you go.
Next day in the morning,
I came to saw you again,
You were sleeping, thus
I can watch you some more time.

I didn't had an option,
I didn't had a choice,
I was pretty sure that I won't,
Get anything better than you,
I invite all my bravery,
to my introverted mind,
Walked into your house,
And asked, "Can you give her to me?"

I was biting my nail,
Hands remained shivering,
Did I say something wrong,
I asked myself again.
The very next moment,
I thought about jumping around,
I got tears in my eyes,
'Cause he said, "you can take her".

It was literally,
The best moment in my life,
To own something,
Which you gave your heart to.
I ran towards her,
Woke her up from sleep,
then I hugged closely,
To my heart tightly.

You may wonder wtf is this,
Don't worry it is 'bout my doggy,
My furry little cutie,
I gave her a name chockie,
She was always around me,
Dashing all around me.
Days after days,
My love only increased.

Whenever I feel low,
I went to sit alongside her,
She starts to climb on me,
With her sharp claws 'n nails,
Step on to my shoulder,
To lick me all around.
She'll bite my fingers,
Softer than anyone can.

Her black nut like nose,
Came close to my ear,
I can hear her breathing,
Like she was tryin' to say something.
I wonder how she can,
Love me this much every time.
I find no better relief than,
Her fur and bites and claws.

From the first day to today,
No days passing without,
Thinking about you not once,
But twice and thrice and million times.
I can't think about the day,
When I got to lose her anyway,
If fate ever lend me a boon,
I'll ask for, her to be with me till my death.


© All Works are Copyrighted by inkless dairy