

“Be the light”
@I_AM Michael #michAel @I_Am_michael

In a world where hate and destruction reign,
Where shadows stretch and darkness gains,
Anyone can be the light, to stand and fight,
To drive back the night, to reclaim the right.

Let love show, in all things glow,
Like a beacon in the storm, let compassion flow,
Give all you can, with an open hand,
In the smallest acts, let kindness stand.

Take time to listen, to hear the plea,
In every whispered word, find the key,
To hearts that ache, to souls that yearn,
Be the miracle, for which they burn.

In a world so vast, with chaos and strife,
Be the light that brings back life,
In every heart, a spark does reside,
A beacon of hope, where love can abide.

Together we shine, banishing the night,
In unity and kindness, we find our light,
With each gentle touch, each tender embrace,
We create a world, a more loving place.

So let us rise, with courage and grace,
To fill the world with a brighter space,
For in our hands, the power lies,
To lift the world, to brighter skies.

In the face of fear, let courage grow,
In the midst of chaos, let beauty show,
For anyone can be the light, to fight,
To drive back the darkness, to bring forth the light.

© inspirelink