

Words unsaid
In the quiet corners of the heart
words unsaid gather like dust and shadow
Their weight is palpable and heavy
a silence that lays its crushing burden upon the soul

Death arrives with the finality of dusk
drawing a curtain across the light and land
and in that darkness of that dreary night
the absence speaks louder than any sound

Loss is a hollow echo and a faint ghost upon the wind
a chasm where voices used to linger, deep and ever stretching down
where laughter once danced on the air and smiles filled the days
Now, only the memory remains
a ghostly whisper in the empty rooms that were once filled with us

In the spaces between breaths and teary eyes
grief takes its residence
a silent companion amongst the quiet dark
a shadow that never fully leaves though it grows faint

We are left with fragments, broken pieces of what was
unfinished sentences and broken thoughts that cant truly be repaired
the things we never said,
the love we never expressed, it eats slowly but surely.

And so we carry them,
these words unsaid,
these pieces of our hearts, these chains and anchors upon our soul
into the night ever deep, dark and cold
hoping that somewhere far off to where we cannot go just yet,
they might find their way to the light and with it true peace
may we find the same.
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