

Betty Jean
My grandma Betty
Strongest women I know
Raised me while I was growin
Rockin til I was grown
Showed me how to sew
Taught me all I know
Needed more time
but I never showed
so many things I wanted to know
4 years you waited by your phone
Regret I'll always hold
You said
its okay love I know
all that matters now
your home
I held your cold hand
Tears flowed
You tell me your ready to go back home
The one with god at his throne
I didn't expect you to have a stroke
I'm not ready to let go
wishing we could go back to our daily strolls
or watching antique road shows
smartest women I know
Raised five kids on your own
Never needed no man
Your grown
Always told me to work hard
Love most
You and grandpa and I were so close
even though you and grandpa married right before I was born
you guys raised me like I was yours
deep sea fishing on big boats
camping on the coast
Your the biggest part of me I hold close
I was always told
I'm your mini me
Your my mold
Looking in your eyes
Trying to console
Telling you grandpa is waiting
In heaven when you go
I know I'll always carry you in my soul
but I'd rather have you here to hold