

I've had enough
Why can't we love someone we love
Isn't this my heart
and why do I have to keep listening
to everyone's opinions
'He ain't the one for you'
'You can do better' they say

But isn't this loneliness enough
to tear us apart
And even if I change my ways
try to move on in life
and do my best to let go
love won't let me stay

But you know what I've had enough
I took want to feel his touch
send impulses to my heart
I took want to feel his gaze
send chills down my spine
I too want to dance with him
under the moon night
I want to see his mesmerizing smile
make my entire body flash with ecstasy
I want to hear his captivating voice
whisper in my ears "Anna uhibbuk"
I love you

But no I don't want to love
or be loved in measures
I want it all
and to have it all
I have to risk it all
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#forever #relationships