

East and west, I have been,
To the pyramids in Egypt,
To the villages in Italy,
None like home I have seen,
Where love sprouts and compassion remains,
An abode of refuge, a habitat of compassion.

In strange lands, hostile men pursue,
"Alien! Alien!!", they suggest I am.
An abode of refuge, all I desire,
To be home in my mother's arms,
Not for mere serenity,
But a habitat of compassion, my ancestral haven.

Where roots intertwine, in the soil of belonging,
A tapestry divine, generations before me
Etched their stories deep in the halls
Where memories ceaselessly seep.
For within these walls, love's gentle symphony plays,
Home is my solace, in its warm embrace I stay.

So, I'll journey far and wide, explore the wonders of the Earth,
Yet, no place can truly compare to the sanctity of my hearth,
For home is where my heart finds rest, amidst a world that oftentimes absurd be,
In the embrace of my beloved, I find solace and release,
A refuge from life's storms, where my soul finds inner peace.
Home, the sanctuary of my dreams, where my spirit finds eternal lease.
Let us celebrate this sacred space with gratitude and care,
For home is not just a dwelling, but a sanctuary to which we can't compare.

© Oluwatobiloba Akinnate
© © Oluwatobiloba Akinnate