

Harbinger of our doom,
Hurtling through space,
The asteroid is here too soon
Breaking the barrier as it dare.
Is it worth trying to stop it
with the speed it moves,
isn't it better for all of us
to face it through and through.
Will the distruction be vaste and
will the fire tongue swallows all?
Will we be alive to see it all?
Nobody knows..may be or not.
if not, it will cross the path
just to say hi to earth
It's being a part of the creation
with the right to move
does happens sometimes that
it comes to meet us too.
the same way unfortunate comes
and make a life like an iron bolt.
either precautions work to takkle
or the courage latter to crack it.
all happens as it is destined as
we are the pawns that to be played.