

Nigg* Is A Death Trap

In the hood our normal vocabulary
consists of using the word nigg*

In history the word nigga* represents
the poor negro criminal's
with no education,
was considered to be worthless.

According to the wisdom of knowledge
every man, woman and child
serve a higher purpose,
other then the definition of life.

In modern times
the word nigg* is used
as a terminology for greeting
one another.

To some people words are just words.

Words, mmm.

Words hold the power
to destroy or to rebuild
our reality, based on a
bunch of wealth and fantasy's.

Besides being a nigg*
people are suffering in general,
from a lack of consistency, when
it comes to a universal brotherhood
and unity.

The moral of this story:

Stop using complexion to judge
individuals, or a nation of people,
it's killing our prosperity, as one nation.

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