

Heart Burned For Better
Thee lights are up
and your phone is off
and now
I see that what is to make
sense is not making sense
it's tearing at me like
paper that is tore away
oh no don't let him
marry her
only think of my needs
oh the crowds needs
we don't care if he likes her
we don't care
we think she got the wrong
adatuted for him
Oh a group
of people say
we don't like this
not he doesn't like this
so now I see they all
got it in for me from
the far corner s of the earth
Now I am sad
to learn that I was judged
by the world which was
around me an my friend
by now I see I was the only
one caring
but who has me now
well the holy Lords
foot prints never
disappearing in the sand
around my life so close
to the holidays we see
strange get in matters
and tease the mess out
of a crew until thee jokes
are not funny anymore
and they leave your heart
slow at the era feeling blues
and in shock
So is this what it feels like
Oh No
© lashes