


I find it in the memories,
and Smiles and laughters ;
I find it in beleving
that there is, a here after.
I find it in my friends ,
walking with them on the friendship Road :
I found it in talking ,
and sharing a heavy load .

I found , that it feels like sunshine ;
and bitterness like rain ,
When, we gladly bear a violent strom ;
which makes us feel
the warmth of living again.

It's like,
counting the stars behind the clouds;
and like watering in rain ,
and turning a harp ;
and then turning it back again .

It's a thing that you will carry ;
and that will to carry on .
and sometimes ;
when we are down and out in life ;
it's that flame which burns when there is darkness all around.

it can be that dream which you are ready to fulfill,
When you are ready to strive ;
It can even be a smile
that can brighten a dull day of your life .

Everyday I call it ,
when I am broken ;
And everyday it answers my cry.
I take Refugee in it; and it Comforts me,
Then wipe the tears,
from my eyes ;
It's the HOPE ,
that lifts me high.

© Auradeus