

The whispering sounds of nature
Traps me into a trance of tranquility
For its subtleness makes me yearn more and more…

Oh! Just like
the soft patters of water from a distance
To the gentle rustling of green lush leaves -
With the perfumed fragrance of the best flowers which envelopes the atmosphere
Not to forget, the melodious tweets and chirps of the oh so colourful birds in the skies and trees.

“How nature soothes my soul
Calms my ever throbbing nerves
And, tranquilizes my heavily hearted heart”

What I feel within is heavenly therapeutic because -
the purifying colour of water cleanses my greyish canvas - I call a life
The greener leaves and the flowers of every pigmentation makes me stronger and bolder
Above all
The rhythmic sounds of the birds
heals my wounded heart and mends it into whole.

Nature speaks to me in different volumes, colours and sounds.

~ Nusrah 💎

© nusrah_writes

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