

Demon Scream

A nightmare attacks me in my sleep
I am pulled beneath the ground
I am the dark secret to keep
Deeper than the Universe can feel
No matter how hard I try to find the light
I was destined to lose this fight
The nightmare is a living vision
Although I cannot see
I am stuck deep inside
Where I will forever lie

How I yearn to reappear and hear my voice as I scream
I long have forgotten the sound of almost everything
I realize that I have lost the gift of both sight and sound
The mental picture of being buried underground begins to take shape
Fear paralyzes my soul as I speculate
I can make no predictions
Can I even feel
My body no longer belongs to me
Was it ever even real
Now my mind is beginning to take sight
Foreshadowing everything I have already seen
I have been a skeleton
With no eyes to see
No ability to breathe

All the while empty inside
No life and no light
Let me be soft again
Miserable misery of memory
Let go of me
Soft then
My Demon Scream

I must penetrate my body, mind and soul
Illusorily look through human eyes
Feign to identify with being whole
I will make my way through the pebbles, dirt and stones
If life is an illusion then nonexistence must be as well
I was not born of blood and flesh
But of bone that is my hell

I creep and crawl
Climb and scuttle
Ascent and skulk
Each second higher up
Every moment growing
I burrow and I dig
Excavate, tunnel and mine
Another disposition
I knew things didn’t feel fine

When did I start to feel sensations that were not fear
When did textures begin to leave impressions as if they had been touched by my skin
When did I have skin
Once again I was in awe of the trick my mind had played
Surroundings had a dreamlike familiarity
Reality so surreal that I no longer believed in my own existence
I raised my head high and saw other monsters fighting to get through
I will get pulled back beneath the earth if I lose my persistence
The only penalization for failure is if I quit this
Alas I rise above and below I see the sky
I did not make it
I was never even alive

All the while empty inside
No life and no light
Let me be soft again
Miserable misery of memory
Let go of me
Soft then
My Demon Scream

© Jamie Clay