

Boy meets Girl

Deep into the night, her eyes haunt my dreams
She seems to see I’m lost in love & at a loss for The words she speaks through her touch I can
Hear echoing in my tender heart as I tend her

every need, she need never b afraid to speak free
her silence isn’t golden in our forever existence
Consistent communication is key I’ve learned
Her tender heart tends to beat like a drummer

Boy in love with girl is such a cliche story told
Man who’s loved this woman forever is a classic
tale told with a grin as the grandchildren listen
Intently with laughter and smiles so precious

Through us they begin to learn that soulmates
are not just fairytales but rather fairytales come
True and the spark in their eyes grow as much
our spark has grown each and every day from the first day boy fell in love with girl

© JML - Still a Work in Progress