

Whatever my age might be 10, 20, or 40
That doesn't matter
My honour is between my legs in the bed
And never in my heart or my head
I am always appreciated after i am dead
I am hedged
And sometimes after the sunset
I am caged.

I am imposed to expose
what i opposed,
But that's alright
'cause that's what they supposed
I am objectified
By the dignified
Behind the curtains of sanctify
I bleed
to breed
The ones who just plant a seed
Tagged me impure
But little did they know
That we endure
The pain without any gain.

I want justice
And not from the ones
Who put barriers to my practice.

I will fly fly and fly
So far and so high
Even with the one wing left
After they cut the other
And left me heft
With a staggering load
Of rules and norms.