

No Help is too little.
Life is like a social caste ,While some have all they wish for ,others don't have even things they haven't wished for.With or without ,life is the greatest gift to be valued.If the death were to be given a chance,I suppose Life would come before Wealth.

we are destined to live together , be our brothers keeper and to butter the bread of one another.Not to build barriers that fosters discriminations or attracts stigmatization.

Help while you can . You may not be confident of your status ;Rich ,poor or average.what matters is that the would always be someone around who wish to have that ' old shoe you're tired of . Don't play blind it makes things worst . it's true not even the richest person can alleviate the plight of all needy. A gift to one, is a Gift for all ;You don't have to help a Thousand .

Nothing giving of a helpful hand is actually little.
Every Life has a Value , together ,let make this world a better place for all 🥂

© I.J