

The greatest gift
A party after the football game
I was sittin' in the back of my dad's truck
I had seen you around I knew your name
you was talkin' with my best friend
I acted like I didn't care
then you looked over and had a big grin
"Why is a girl pretty as you sittin' alone?"
I looked up to see if he was talking to me
"Just taken some pictures on my phone"
"Only fair if you let me see."
Your eyes were the deepest blue.
We talked you made me laugh
I was so nervous I didn't know what to do
"Walk with me?" You lead my down a path
Then you stop "Will you go out with me?"
"Yes." Then you gave me our first kiss.
I was happier than I ever thought I could be.
The next year was total bliss
You were late one night
with your boys drank a couple beers
and that lead to our first big fight
we had to talk to our parents my biggest fear.
this was going to change our life
"We are still in school I am not sure if this is what I want to do."
"What are you saying? I want you to be my wife."
You got mad I didn't realize you drank more than one or two.
You jumped in your truck and flew down the drive
If I would have knew
then you would still be here by my side
the officer said you missed the curve and hit a tree
I didn't know what to say or do
how could this happen how could it be
I barely remember the services that day
then I had to tell our parents there was a baby on the way
and now here I stand with flowers for you
and next to me is an amazing young man
some times it was rough I swear I cried a million tears
he reminds me of you he has your eyes
you would have loved him so
I hope you knew how much I loved you
and thank you before we go
you left me the greatest gift from anyone
that gift was our son
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