

Am I a curse ?
All my life ,
People teassed me for being different.
Some people called me a witch .
While others said I was a ghost .
Growing up only these things were always making their presence known.
My mum told me keep your heart as tough as a stone .
As time passed these things were something to which use to , I had grown .

But then came a time when I was broken all again.
I had a friend who meant it all to me .
From our first day to school to our first A's we had lived together.
We had a bond , I thought would last forever.
But I couldn't have had been more wrong.
For somewhere she just left me out of her song .
She for some reason left and and Sid I was a curse , to the world .
Her words hurt like anything.
But somehow I learnt to live with everything.

Life went on and things happened.
That wound I had long left behind me.
Came back to revisit me the other day .

I was minding my own business ,
Walking down the market.
When a begged came to me with a basket.
She asked me for money,
before looking up at me .
She saw how fair I was and told her daughter,
these are the people you stay away from honey .
She is cursed and will pass her illness to you .
She just maybe a witch to .

Without a word I left for home .
I sat sobbing in my room all alone .
With tears I told myself ,
The society will never except me for me .
But I need not to cry .
For someday my tears are gonna dry .
Things will change for the better.
And these people at the end don't matter.

Maybe I am different ,
But I won't let it get in my way .
Of living each day ,
A life I could look back to and say .
Those mean things were nothing but a strom.
which I learnt to dance in somewhere along the way.

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