

Light On A Dark Lady
Loom of darkness cast, she stands alone,
Figure carved in and out from midnight stone.
Her eyes hold depths even the moon can't see,
A silent song of salient shadowy mystery.

Her voice, a sigh of mistcloud on glass beams,
Unfold secrets hidden within dreams
The stars, though far, still seek her gaze,
But she remains veiled in twilight's haze.

Yet through the dark, a mild light appears,
A flame that cuts through all of her fears.
Dances soft upon her pale freckled face,
Illuminating thousand years of hidden grace.

She wear the shade like velvet on skin,
The light of her shines brighter even within.
A paradox, both fierce and bright to behold—
A darkened lady crowned in light, as foretold.

© TheRetro_Reader