

I used to love to run
I ran every chance i got
No one could ever seem to keep track of me
I was a runner
I was a flight risk

Until one day
I found myself dizzy
I found my lungs didn't fill like they used too
I found my vision darken at the edges
I found my dreams left me with my tears

I miss running
I miss the wind in my scalp
I miss feeling alive
So now i gather runners
Left and right
I fall for them

And hope they pick me up
Hope they take me with them
Hope they wont leave me behind
When they find i can't keep up
Hope this one isn't like the others

I tell myself
Never again
Nearly evey time
I lay in peices on the track
Until another runner passes by
And picks me back up

Your my runner now
Oh red angel
You are my runner now
I lay and wait for you
Day in and day out
Hoping when you run away
That you'll run back

You have history of it
I hear
Of running the track
In circles
Leaving and coming back
Scooping the chasers off the floor

I moved to your track
Oh red sun
I lay apon it like a sacrifice for you
Tell me angel
Did I make a mistake?
© SpiderMoose