

Never Give Up
Age increases everyday it doesn't decreases
Time wait for no one it keeps tickling
Why are you relenting/giving up/waiting?
Do you think it's over because you fall? it is only over if you think it is over
Those people in high position do you think they haven't fall before? Yes they have,it's just that they regained their strength and put in more effort.
Plans without actions is like a stagnant water.

Will an embryo survive if it does not get the necessary requirements for it's growth in the uterus?No,it won't survive
So likewise are plans without actions because it doesn't get the required actions to execute the plan therefore,it won't survive
You are already there don't give up!!
Time never wait then why are you waiting?
Time wasted can never be regained

Set your goals rightly and act on it,your plan needs action!!
Successful people don't start one day and make it that day it's a gradual process.

Don't be weakened by circumstances that surround your plan it's a price to be paid to achieve your goals.

Do you know a winner is once a person that fall and never quit? Don't give excuses rather discover what makes you fall and recover, do your best and leave the rest for God.

Don't limit yourself, the whole world is waiting for you!!!!

Never give up!! you can do it!!
There are many good and great potentials in you .

Never give up you are already there!

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