

And here I am, wanting to speak.
with you, of course. why would I not?
yet you seem so uninterested.
you didn't even know,
you fail to acknowledge me.

I tell you and tell you
and I type away and I
really hard.
I've always tried and I know
that I am a shit person,
but I try.
And still, you hang out with
the other.
the someone you used to date.

I'd really prefer if you didn't but
I feel selfish.
I don't want to be selfish.
I don't want to be
or rude
or a brat.

A brat.
I never wanted to be one and I know
I have my issues and I know
I don't think before I speak and
I know.
I know.

I really try my hardest but
what does it amount to when
it's just a one-sided conversation?

You may tell me you love me but I don't see
love when
you never offer to hang out.
I don't see love when you never text first and
I don't see love when you

And maybe I'm dumb and
maybe I'm ugly and
maybe you say I'm all you could ever want
but that's
something you said.
© AceNeverExistedd.