

Bitter reality
Dedicated to my late meternal grandma

Sitting by the window,
on a cold afternoon .
Looking up at the sky ,
wondering if I'd see you anytime soon .
Hoping you'd come say hi ,
I still remember how painful it really was to say goodbye .
I am still waiting to wake up ,
to realise it's all just a nightmare.
I am still crying over life ,
it just can be so unfair.
I can never find in my heart to forget you.
Never in my soul to stop loving you.
Cause here without you is no home .
This world has never be so lone .
The pain will never go away .
it's always gonna stay .
After even ten years ,
In your memories I'll shead tears .
The sun will rise ,
it will desend ,
the night will fall ,
and bring a bright moonlight ,
but you aren't here ,
so isn't the beautiful starlight .
My world has lost glory ,
My life has turned into this sad and misirible story .
The bitter truth is I have to spend this life without you by my side .
That by any means this is something by which we must abide.
The love in your eyes is something, again , I will not be able to see .
The day I lost you I lost a part of me .

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