

All of a sudden
he appeared for no reason
eyes widened and mind stucked,
is he here for purpose,
or just a coincidence?

This time I'm not gonna melt for his sweet lies,
Nor for his looks neither for his lavish bike

Why the hell, they always wanted to play with emotions?,
why they just don't understand we are delicately involved in being human

And vola! he asked me to continue friendship,
and forgive him for what he did,
"that was childish behaviour and now I'm all grown up": he claimed.

No dude: playing with someone's virtue is not a joke,
but good to know that he's going through self-realization.

I smiled at him, with forgiven eyes,
afterall, he's trying to be a good man for his sweet little daughter, standing next to him, by holding her dad's hand tight

Friendship is not going to be continued from my side,
but happy to see that atleast he realised how emotions are meant to be kept and not to be played

I gave his daughter a bunch of chocolates and a Barbie doll,
told her to always trust her dad!
after giving her a ride in my own lavish car.

© fiery_fairy

#poem #poetry #writicopoetry #randomcreation #fiery_fairy