

Refrain to reveal
As I lay alone,
thoughts wondering without a stop,
I hear it again.

a very loud one I presume,
Voicing out her every thought,
Casting forth her every emotion.

She shouts out loud, sighs out loud, comments out loud, everything done with sounds greater than it should be.

I want to believe that I am the problem here.
Am I too insensitive, or is she the mad one?
Yes, mad.

The irritation I feel with every sound that comes out of her mouth.
Anger rises within me as I glance at her.
Steps she takes around the room, dragging her feet as she moves, hissing sounds,
Couldn't she be more quiet?

Controlling myself as I know what I am capable of,
Testing my patience day by day,
a new hobby for the creatures that thread my path.

One day,
It won't end with a thought, but an action, an action they will all regret.

© #milialate.4