

They say I can't make anyone stay
They say I can't make anyone stay,
That love is like a game we play,
And hearts are fickle, prone to stray,
No matter how much we might pray.

But still I try to hold on tight,
To keep them near, to make things right,
To chase away the lonely night,
And bask in love's warm, glowing light.

I know that love can be so fleeting,
That hearts can break with just a greeting,
And all the promises we're repeating,
Can be shattered with a simple meeting.

But still I hope and still I try,
To hold on tight and never say goodbye,
To keep the love that's in my eye,
And never let it wither and die.

For though they say I can't make anyone stay,
I'll keep on loving anyway,
And hope that love will find a way,
To bring us closer day by day.
© lizzz