

True love
Love is like a brightly lit lamp.
I can assure you,when it's present all would see.

Love is like the sky at night,decorated with stars and the shining moon.
I can assure you,when it's present nights too would be bright.

Love is like a funny bone made alive.
I can assure you, when it's present laughter flows

Love is like a rainbow after a storm.
I can assure you, it's incomplete without a collective effort.

Love is like clear water
I can assure you,there is transparency

Love is like thunder and lightening
I can assure they follow each other closely.

When I was younger,I use to believe that nobody could see that I was in love, but love is like a brightly lit lamp,your mother would know,your family would know and your enemies would know.If it's not love,then it's not love.
True love has no end
True love doesn't ask for a break
True love is not suffocating
True love is not arrogant.
True love is self love
True love is mutual
True love is sacrificing
True love is fearless
...,.To be continued