

Angel away...

An angel a day can keep the rain away. See you and me we ain't the same. I was already a made one before I ever came to this place. A creature created never to settle into any habitual habits of my hibernating habitat, while confined doing time and trying to help heal our human race.
I can truly say, I never could have imagined how much of my heart it would actually take. Only you would never know, because every time you see me I will be wearing a smile on my face. Make no mistake about it though,
a lady always knows when it's her time to go and she will do it with elegance and grace. In those times somewhere between, you might see me looking clumsy as I’m stumbling, and falling behind, I know you will pass me by every time after time. You will shake your head, happy inside that you are getting ahead, but when you turn back around, you will see me in the crowd cheering for you, yes.. It's true, because there is no other one like you, with a soul shining in it's own light of lime.. You don't always have to jump the gun just to be the first one done, because it's the circle of life and there is no finish line. My friends can't you see they have divided us by hate, because they want us to fall. It’s the fuel to the fire when the tower of Babylon started to get to tall. Information straight to the highest of source, from an informant that we knew could be coerced. If you knew the truth, you would rather die too than to give it up, not even if they come using force. My father is greater than you could ever imagine, riding through the valley of sleepy hollow, filled with headless figures that imitate men, our night of armor settled up on the back of a clods dale horse. Tale as old as rhyme. Whenever you look for him, he is the one you shall find. In your final hour's you will beg and cower with the pleas for forgiveness as you are plagued with remorse. Your own strength and energy will bring you up off of your knees, looking at yourself through your own eyes, angels in the outfield cry, singing such beautiful lullabies that they slowly start fading away all of  your pain, with wind blowing from every direction, until your cradle finally falls, and you wake up to remember nothing at all, startled by the screaming bellowing from your very own lungs, you finally start  realize that you are back in the ring when you hear the bell ring.. Class is back in session, starting all over in a new semester. You are the teacher. It's his words, but you are the preacher. Although none of us know where this ride will end. We continue trying as if it were like guess the songs on the radio as it counts downs the top ten. It’s know it's coming, because even though we have heard about it for several weeks in a row, we are still letting anticipation eat us away from the outside in.  Don't speak it if you don't live it, because then it becomes your sin. Laying awake in a bed of stones that you once cast at other people, too busy judging them to face the one’s that were hiding from within. Surrounded by broken glass that’s falling all around you, making it impossible for your heart to ever mend.  Remember this advice if you can…Always try to lend a helping hand especially if you see that someone’s light is beginning to dim, for every person you meet you should equally treat as if they where your kin. Life is the hardest test you will ever take, if you don't pass you will have to continue to do it over and over again.
© Jessica Rae Johnson