

Blinking Future
In the depths of my soul, a whisper lingers, A haunting doubt that my life is adrift, Despite my accomplishments, it still lingers, A fear that my future may be at risk.I've climbed mountains high, reached for the stars, Achievements etched upon my weary heart, But within me, a void, a sense of bizarre, As if my journey's end is yet to start.The world may applaud, with accolades grand, But deep within, a tempest does reside, For I fear my life's course is built on sand, And my future achievements may subside.Oh, how I long for a road to somewhere, A path that leads to purpose and meaning, But doubts and uncertainties fill the air, And the shadows of failure keep intervening.I question my worth, my true destination, As doubts cast shadows upon my soul's stage, Will my dreams dissolve into mere frustration? Or will I find solace in life's next page?Yet, amidst the chaos, a flicker remains, A spark of hope that refuses to fade, For even when life seems stuck in its chains, I know deep within, a fire is made.So, I'll rise from the ashes, embrace the unknown, With courage as my compass, I'll forge ahead, Though my path may be winding, my spirit will be shown, As I strive to find purpose, where my heart is led.For life's journey is not a straight line, But a tapestry woven with threads of despair, And in the darkest moments, I'll still shine, For my future achievements, I'll fiercely declare.So, let the doubts linger, let the fears arise, I'll face them head-on, with unwavering might, For I know deep within, my spirit defies, The notion that my life is lost in the night.I'll find my way, on this road to somewhere, With every step, I'll embrace the unknown, For despite my doubts, I'll rise above despair, And create a future where my dreams are sown.
© thekennyadetule