


People can be so heartless
Animals with no brain at all
But should we judge others
By the mistakes of our offenders?

Stony heart, wild eyes
Prying fingers, mouth of a hippo
Lambs they walked in
Wolves they ran out as.

Bury me, please
DON'T you give them anything
Take their victory
Let them cope with the bad history.

Naked promises, naked words
Someone bring nappies
Time to seal some holes
Where I stand I see so many moles.

Drawings on the wall
Everything is going down
Put down that painting
This time I won.

The flow of anointing from the head
And down the bears like the nile
I'm your greatest nightmare
Despairing mood, futile endeavors.

Your words and deeds
Bounced off and fell like skinned leaves
I am bulletproof, I've nothing to lose.
Kill me nine times I'll get up ten times.

Betwixt life and death I reside
Look across the river, there I stand
Son of the black sea and the forbidden land
I'm bulletproof; I'm a war tank.

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