

Red, White, and Blue
Red, White, and Blue

Black lives should matter more to you!

Everyone is up in arms,

There's violence beneath the stars,

Flash, Crack, Bang!

Was that a rubber bullet or a smoke grenade?

Either way it's inhumane

And the protests will remain!

Only after justice rings,

Will again, Lady Liberty sing.

People like to bring up Martin Luther King,

As an example for peacefully protesting,

Conveniently forgetting his planned assassination!

He said it best in his own words,

"A riot is the language of the unheard."

Looting may be ruinous,

But constant cold blooded murder is villainous.

And I'm aware I could never truly understand,

But know that I'll walk with you, holding your hands!

Red, White, and Blue

The statement all lives matter wont hold true,

Until black lives are included too!

