


Give it up for karma.
Yes, before I go on,
I'd like to present karma,
The b****

A man once loved me,
He did everything for me,
How many love languages are there?
Name them,
He delivered.
He called me the prettiest,
Held me the closest,
The gifts he gave were the choicest.
I was his number one,
I was the number before one.

He held me in high esteem,
I was his pride.
I was his life
I knew this,
And I threw this,
He loved me in many ways,
I loved many men in some way,
Or rather, I used them in ways.

I never valued what he gave,
He tried,
Till he couldn't take a little more of my deceit.
Then he had to retreat.
I never understood,
I moved on.
Then karma happened.

Now karma understood my crimes,
She knew I had sinned against the universe,
And I had to pay.
I fell in love.
It took me a while to realize it,
But I did.
She shouldn't have done that,
Karma went too far.

My heart always skipped a beat,
I called him beautiful,
I held him the closest,
His gifts were the choicest,
He was my number one
He was my pride.
But in all, I was alone.
I was the partner of myself.

Now I understood,
I understood the pain of loving and not being loved in return,
I understood the pain of not being the one and only to your one and only,
I understood that every human wants to love and be loved.

Karma knew exactly where to hit,
She got me,
She got me good.
Karma wasn't done with me.

A lovely morning,
Rays of sunshine,
Lovely breakfast,
I open my phone,
A picture of the mystery man and his wife to be on his status caught my attention,
Wedding one week away,
On my birth month.
I choked.

I was fine,
My eyes glittering with tears,
Choking on my saliva,
It hurt,
I was hurt,
I was hurt.
But I was fine.
That there is karma
The b****
#dumped #heartbroken
© debbieOthompson