

A software engineer 💻
With fascinating dreams and desires in our eyes
We come at the entrance of the gate to rise
With cheerful faces in campus and canteens
Seeing our bright future at the age of nineteen

The food of mess is not at all delicious to eat
But eating it with pals, it's not less than a treat
Though we have some insecurities of being a non AC hosteller
But for organizing protests and riots in college, we are popular

First semester started with study and learning
Now in last semester, we are ending it with juniors' ragging
Have learnt everything for 'not' becoming a software engineer
But now it's all over, time to worry for our career

After a first glimpse of college, we had thought of creating a history
But these years we wasted, how ? it's still a mystery
Oh ! we regret for not learning coding in Java and Python
But now it's time to get a job which is not less than a Marathon !!!

© shambhavi