

Alone Again
It actually hurt a bit when there was finally silence
But then again I was at peace with the silence
I'm not going to reminisce or pretend to miss your words or fake kiss
I don't think you'll even be missed
And I'm glad if you never insist
Empty false words are like a smoke
Perhaps nice to watch
But then it's all lost
I can't believe my heart was even fluttering
From the endless false words you were uttering
As usual I was just something to use
Just some kind of sexual muse
I'm no longer amused
It's not a surprise
After all it's what I thought would happen you were no prize
Maybe I thought I'd hurt you but I realized
Indeed I can't
I can't ever love you
I don't want to love you
I don't even need you
I will not appease you
I will just leave you
Alone where you were
My heartbeat keeps going often unheard
The lonliness somehow makes me feel better
After all what is there left for me?
There was no real offer
Alone once again I oddly feel stronger
© Isabel Page