

To deny the spirit that guides our way,

To turn away from love, come what may,

Is to walk a path, forsaken and alone,

To build walls of doubt, where light once shone.

For when one denies with words untrue,

Rejecting the essence of faith that grew,

The Divine in Heaven, who watches all,

Shall also deny their pleading call.

Of utmost importance is the choice we make,

To embrace the truth, for our own sake,

For denying Him among our fellow men,

Brings denial upon us, time and again.

Let us hold steadfast, in our faith so dear,

In our actions true, may our intentions be clear,

To live as a testament, in word and in deed,

Embracing His love, from doubt always freed.

For in the face of adversity, when storms draw near,

May our faith shine brightly, amidst the fear,

And when we stand before the Father's holy sight,

May His love and grace lead us back to the light.

So let us remember, in our hearts so true,

To never deny His love, in whatever we do,

For the denial of truth, before women and men,

Shall bring forth denial, before Him in Heaven.

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