

Self - intermittent Conversation.
A simple fantasy or wish fulfillment,
A child in you curious in a balcony,
Timelessness of eternal moment,
Soon it will become a reality....
From the flophouses by the navy yards (failed attempts),
A little scruffy,
A little lean,
Conditions were turning mean,
A drifted diminutive around the boroughs (city),
It was easier to accept willingness to leave,
Don't have to travel alone in the wilds,
It had helped me maintain some sense of direction, some sort of unerring course over seas tempest-tost,
But like so much else, the habit had been elbowed aside by life - becoming first intermittent, then rare, then lost to time,
Standing on my balcony overlooking Central Park, I didn't punish myself for having let the practice lapse,
I knew too well the nature of life's distractions and enticements - how the piece - meal progress of our hopes n ambitions commands our undivided attention reshaping the ethereal into the tangible, and commitments into compromises. I am not too hard on myself these days,
The intermittent conversation is in fine (smooth),mode with classy cups of Coffee"ss. ☕

©Mishra Poonam