

Like tinkling bells, our laughter rang out in the wind
Our feet dusty, knees skinned and bleeding
But we never noticed as we were engrossed
Engrossed in the moments of happy childhood

Tires we pushed, football we played
With no care about the struggles of the world
No worries about losing each other
Only worry we had was being scolded for misbehaving

Carrying our innocence like a flag
We hopped through life with boundless energy
Energy that only ceased when we slept
But awakened the moment we do

We grew, and yes we grew again
Then we lost someone, then lost each other
A permanent painful scar in my heart
But yet, still picked up and kept going

Unaware was I that someone needed me
Only to wake up one day to find her gone
I cried and prayed for her to be found
Remembering childhood days spent playing and fighting

Like a revelation, I saw that we were far from those days
Cause we grew up and grew apart
Only image I have of them are those of childhood
I asked no one in particular "How did we get here?"

Heart broken, face wet with tears
I prayed for her to find her way back to us
And took an oath to be prepared for her come back
Cause now I won't ever let anyone be lost
© Simmy