

The three men in a boat
Three men in a boat.
One who wore a coat.
One who smiled like a goat.
And the last who wore a pout.

Said the man with the coat
to the man who wore a pout:
"Why do you look so funny?
Your ears as long as a bunny!"

Said the man who wore a pout
to the man who wore a coat:
"And you, you also look funny!
Who wears a coat in July?
Are you a dummy?!"

So the two began arguing and fighting,
then they cried and began shouting!
Said the man who looked like a goat:
"Will you all just be quiet!?
You both are the ugliest of the planet!"
Said the men with a coat and the man with a pout: "Shut up! For at least we do not look like a goat!"