

Contract into LOVE ❤

This marriage is a contract
Apart from that, i got attract.
You know that I care,
Hoping this shouldn't be a nightmare.
I know that I started to love you
Trying hard to prove you.
My affection is not temporary,
So please don't make a summary.

Even after years, you didn't believe
Please, I don't need you to leave.
Tomorrow is our last day
But I want you to stay.
I drank the poison
So that I won't live with painful emotion;
And you saw me bleeding,
I smiled atleast now you understood my feelings.

You started to cry,
I hoped that I'll die.
You saved me from death
And became my everlasting breath.
Finally we married,
And our love becomes unvaried.

- Pranali Charles

Thanks for reading ❤

© Pranali Charles