

Fata Viam Invenient
Tapestry of fate, threads entwine,
A dance of destiny, a design divine.
Twists and turns, where the silhouettes play,
In the labyrinth of life, fates will find a way.

No hurdle too high, no darkness too deep,
The cosmic weavers loom their secrets deep.
Through trials and triumphs, come what may,
In the symphony of time, the fates find a way.

Stars whisper tales in the celestial expanse,
Guiding us forward in life's intricate dance.
With unseen hands, they gently sway,
In the canvas of life, fate finds a way.

So when uncertainty clouds the path ahead,
Trust in the unseen, where destinies tread.
For in the echoes of time's eternal relay,
Embrace the truth: the fates will find a way.

© TheRetro_Reader